I’d like to begin here: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Gal5: 22,23 (KJV)
It is rather interesting that faithfulness is the 7th fruit mentioned in this list regardless of the translation. But what does faithfulness mean? Faithfulness is from the word Faithful which can be said to mean;
“Staying true to the facts of a person or situation”
“Staying true to an original”
“Faithfulness can also be said to mean reliability.”
So when anyone is said to be faithful, we are simply saying they are reliable. Now, it is important to note that inanimate objects can be faithful, for example a car. Certain people under certain circumstances who hold themselves to certain standards can be faithful. So how is faithfulness a fruit of the spirit?This is because it is nearly impossible to exercise faithfulness in all situations, to all people, in all places at all times without the help of God. The Spirit within us provides the support that we need to keep going.
Now, what are we expected to be faithful to? I have thought a bit about this and will share a few:
1. To God: Remember how we defined faithfulness as staying true to an original? God is our original. In him, we move and have our being. We stay faithful to his word, to his promises. An example here is Abraham who didn't shake in his belief of God’s promises.
2. To ourselves: What are the core values that uphold the foundation of your life? when we peel off the layers of insecurities, hopes, fears et al? what would we have left? It is important to stay faithful to the plan and purpose of God for our lives exhibited through our core values.
3. Our callings/ giftings/ abilities: A lot of us have giftings, areas of callings, abilities that we have been blessed with. Are we faithful to these things? Remember the parable of the talents and what happened to the guy with the one talent. Faithfulness is required.The bible says it is required for a steward to be found faithful.
4. To our loved ones/ family: our spouses/ children and family in general: Can they count on you to stay true to them? to be faithful?
5. This is an extension of number 4, our community and the same question applies: do they trust you to uphold them in the hour of prayer, or need? can they count on you when it matters?
6. Last but not least, in Service. Service doesn't just refer to being a worker in church or going on evangelism or being in the welfare/ prayer team. Let us bring it home: Did you know that helping around the home can be considered service? Did you know seducing your wife/ husband and frequent love making can be considered service to them? Are you faithful to them in these things?
Faithfulness is the foundation upon which anything worthwhile is built. It is the reason God cannot lie because the bible says “by two immutable things; aka two faithful/ unmovable reliable things, it is impossible for God to lie”. This is the power of faithfulness. I daresay and it is my humble submission that love may be the greatest of all but faithfulness is the foundation of love. Think back to when you met your spouse, why did you eventually fall in love with him/her? If we look correctly, we would see that they were consistent/ reliable aka faithful.
As amazing as faithfulness is, it doesnt come cheap. Like everything good in life, there is a cost to faithfulness. We may be called dumb/stupid. Heck, we might even lose out on some opportunities/ deals at some times but that is the price of being faithful. This is why we need the spirit to hold on at times like these.
Faithfulness applies to trust. Infact, faithfulness needs vulnerability to exist. We must be open and vulnerable before we can be faithful. This is also why being cheated on hurts so much because the other person had become vulnerable and open. If you struggle with vulnerability and openness with your spouse, you may also struggle with faithfulness.
Faithfulness is bravery and strength. Society makes us think a strong man/ woman = someone who has done/ achieved something great. God says the measure of your strength is in your faithfulness (Proverbs 24:10 KJV; If thou faint in the day of adversity (i.e the test of your faithfulness), thy strength is small.)
A lack of vulnerability can be seen especially in people with trust issues. Here is a small exercise to help us, You can send these as text to your spouses:
- Support them (Babe, is there anything I can help you with? Dont just start giving advice. Let them tell you what they need help with).
- Trust them (I trust you, my darling (insert pet name)
- Be patient (I am praying alongside you, love)
- Reassurance them (You are amazing)
- Be positive (For example, if they got a new Job, Dont say; “I hope this one will last” with a judgmental look and roll your eyes).
In all we have said, examples abound in the bible. Just take a look at this verse and see what faithfulness can achieve:
Hebrews 11:32 KJV; And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon (someone with trust issues), and of Barak, and of Samson (strength), and of Jephthae (Bravery); of David (vulnerability) also, and Samuel, and of the prophets who through faith (Through faith yes, but remember that people who keep the faith, who stay true to the original or a set of value/ promises are called faithful and that the ability is called faithfulness? Now see what they achieved) conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions,
34 quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.
35 Women received back their dead, raised to life again. There were others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection.
36 Some faced jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment.
I should that that faithfulness is a two-party contract: you and God. It is not your marriage vows or mood that keep your faithful. It is your decision, commitment with God that keep your faithfulness
Faithfulness prevails and gets rewarded. I have shared examples from the bible earlier but even in the world, faithfulness gets rewarded. Corporate Governance is basically the business world’s way of measuring faithfulness in organisation and managers/ executives who are able to ensure and comply with this often get rewarded immensely. A good example is Mrs. Ibukun Awosika, Chairman First Bank Nigeria
Remain blessed.