Should your website be on your blog?
I was scrolling on twitter and saw the below. I think this is more of a personal opinion and not really a standard sha. Here is what I think:
- It depends on what we are trying to achieve with the website and/or the blog for the business/ product. Sometimes, it is better (and even cheaper SEO-wise) for the blog to be hosted outside the main site.
- Making design decisions for the business outside of business, budget and marketing goals will often lead to separate outcomes than otherwise. A small business whose ad budget is small will benefit from having a blog on medium or substack since those sites are already optimised.
- Also, a small business hosting a Wordpress site will benefit from having an external/ third-party blog since Wordpress sites and/or plugins crash often. There are also no-code sites where no CMS integration is used due to budget and/or speed. These are things to consider.
Content marketing will always do better on already optimised sites- LinkedIn, Medium, Substack, etc.- than elsewhere, where you have to build from scratch. There is a reason your LinkedIn profile always shows up on the first page of Google each time you search your name. Building from scratch is good since you should not build on “rented land”, but when you are starting out with a limited budget and need to grow/ acquire users, leveraging existing platforms optimised for that purpose is smarter. You can build your own later.