The Biggest Testimony I heard in 2019
Someone shared a video with me, one of the most powerful testimonies I have heard in a very, very long time. It is the Testimony of how one of Pastor Kumuyi’s sons; founder of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry (not spiritual or adopted sons oh), his biological son just got converted in August 2019. For context, Deeper Christian Life Ministry is over 40 years old. Only God knows the millions that have been saved through Pastor Kumuyi. I have been jubilating since I heard the news. A lot of people might think/ say it is embarrassing for Pastor Kumuyi that his son is just getting converted. I beg to disagree. Here is why:
- It illustrates (beyond any and every shadow of doubt) that Pastor Kumuyi doesn't really own the power he wields. This consistent with the ministry of majority of Men of God. Only God owns/ holds the power. Tell me which parent will not ensure their child is converted first, infact ensure the child’s conversion is irreversible before preaching to anybody else. But it is was not within his (Pastor’s power) to do so.
- It is ONLY God who saves/ converts. No man of God does to be honest. They are merely containers/ messengers from the one who really owns it.
There was once a popular preacher too I heard about (cant remember his name now) who was blind and always wore dark glasses for a long time. One day, a reporter (thinking himself to be smart) asked the preacher; You claim to be a man of God, you pray and all these blind people get healed, why are your eyes still closed. The preacher laughed and said; “Young man, if the power was actually mine and mine to use as I wished, dont you think I would have healed myself first?” The owner of the power decides how it is to be used, when, where, for who, for what and how much.
There is another story of how this minister who had prayed for other people and they got healed/ delivered on their death bed watched his own mother die from a similar sickness after several days of praying, fasting and all that. Again, it is worthy of note that Pastor Kumuyi’s wife also died. If he was really in charge of how the power was being dispensed, dont you think he would have brought his wife back? Probably given her 10 more years to live. The only person who should be ashamed and embarrassed is the devil himself. He has failed woefully and that boy is going to terrorize him. That testimony would travel faster, further and wider than any of his father’s sermons ever would.
He would be Kumuyi 2.0. 😎